Kosmogram - Πως Λειτουργεί -  How It Works


How our platform works


Use Kosmogram to spot the right provider of services or commodities for your needs! Our platform lets you search among thousands of profiles across all professional fields. Start your optimized search on our home page by first picking the sub-field of your preference.

Find the professional you’re looking for in 5 simple steps!

Review the professional/company profiles that most interest you

On Kosmogram, you get to meet the most skilled and experienced professionals in your preferred field. After reviewing their profiles, you can pick the one that best fits your specific criteria.

To address your needs successfully, we have created a platform where every last professional profile is sufficiently detailed and concise. You get the most substantial details from the candidate’s professional experience and education down to the geographical area they cover.

Kosmogram - Πως Λειτουργεί η Πλατφόρμα - How It Works

Request a quote

Kosmogram is your one-stop personalized solution for conducting complete procurement processes, from market research to signing the final contract.

After picking the right professional, you can request a quote for their services or commodities in a few clicks. Just fill out the quote request form and hit “send”.


Use Kosmogram every time you need a professional

On the Kosmogram platform, you can find a wide variety of professionals that cover all types of services and commodities provided within Greece. Everything you need, you can look for in our comprehensive lists of professionals from every field. Just follow our standard search procedure and pick the best fit for the job.

Kosmogram - Βήματα Λειτουργίας  -  Operating Steps
Kosmogram - Η Λειτουργία της Πλατφόρμας - How It Works

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